
Wanna learn about the properties and applications of organic bamboo?

Organic bamboo is a very versatile material with many properties and possible uses. It can be used in several and diverse sectors and has a huge potential.

Organic bamboo is a very versatile material with many properties and possible uses. Among other options it can be used for heavy construction projects, bridges, art installations, shutters, fences, gazebos, tiki bars, furniture, siding, bathroom fixtures, toothbrushes or roof coverings.

Organic bamboo is an unbeatable material for the construction sector, where it continues to grow. In Latin America, it is where projects that have this material are most advanced to discover which variety is the best and find the potential of this product for local economies. On the other hand, the different designs allow cross ventilation and have a low thermal storage capacity, getting rid of humidity.

We have a type of organic bamboo with a caliber of 2", 3" and 4" inches and a plantation of 540,000 bamboos per year ready to be used in various uses that can be given to this natural element of great durability.


All of our bamboo canes for sale are sustainably harvested from mature stems and treated to last at least 30 years. Boron-treated bamboo should preferably be used indoors, i.e. buried in the ground or exposed to sun or rain. If used outdoors, posts should be coated with UV-resistant, water-repellent oil and applied from year to year.

At ANRAVE, the production of bamboo destined for architecture requires 2 months for delivery in optimal conditions due to the treatments that the raw material receives before being shipped. For other uses that do not require treatment, we can make immediate delivery.

At ANRAVE we are well aware of the most relevant properties of this material: it is light, flexible, and can be used in a wide variety of constructi

ons. It is also cheap and very resistant to movement, and ideal for hot and humid climates.

If you want to know more about this product and how to import it, contact us and we will inform you about the option that suits you best.


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